CareArc provides virtual appointments, allowing you in talk to your care team without leaving your home. A telehealth appointment enables you to see and speak to your providers by video consultation.
Schedule an AppointmentCareArc provides virtual appointments, allowing you to meet with your care team by video consultation. This type of care is called Telehealth and lets you to see and speak with your provider from the comfort and safety of your own home.
To request a telehealth appointment, call us at 620-342-4864 and request a visit.
You will need access to email and a video-capable smart phone or a computer with a video camera, microphone, and speaker. If you don't have access to a smart phone or a computer, please ask us about other options for your appointment.
You will receive an email before your appointment with a link to access consultation. Click the link 10 minutes before your appointment time on your phone or video enabled computer and you will be face-to-face with your provider.
Choose a place where you can meet with your provider that is quiet, confidential, and comfortable. This could be a room in your home or somewhere at work, such as a private meeting room.
It’s important that you can hear and see your provider during the visit. In order to ensure your visit goes smoothly, test your camera, microphone, and speakers/headphones.
CareArc utilizes Zoom, a cloud-based video conferencing tool, for telehealth visits. Please install the application on your computer or download the smartphone app beforehand and familiarize yourself with the layout.
Internet outages and other occurrences do happen. We are here to support you and can we can connect with you in alternate ways if necessary.
Telehealth appointments are convenient option for non-emergency care, such as for minor infections, flu or COVID-19 symptoms, and chronic care management. Telehealth is also an option for behavioral health appointments.
To make an appointment, call the CareArc location nearest to you, and ask about making a telehealth appointment.
You will need a smartphone, laptop, or tablet that will allow you to access the internet. We use Zoom for our telehealth appointments, so please download the app beforehand. We will send you the link to your appointment over email.